How to take care of the new winter shoes throughout the winter?
Here in the Nordics, we have a harsh climate and it takes a toll on your shoes if you don't take good precautions to protect them. Leather shoes are a quality product and they must be protected to best retain their original shape and colour.
Here you will get good tips and advice on how best to look after your new leather shoes.
Shoe care - should be done monthly, depending on how often the shoe is used
When it comes to winter shoes for outdoor use, it pays to use impregnation spray before you start using the shoes. The impregnation spray places a water-repellent layer around the shoe, and protects it by preventing dust and dirt from penetrating the leather as far.
This also makes the shoe easier to clean. Very effective on suede, nubuck and textile, but be aware that it can eventually dry out smooth leather. We therefore recommend using other additional products to maintain moisture, for example Delicate Cream Neutral. It is a water-repellent grease used for smooth leather to preserve moisture and color. It is very effective protection against salt stains and to avoid water damage. Made from natural products such as coconut oil and beeswax, and therefore has a long shelf life.
Impregnation spray should not be used more than 1 year after opening, as the effect may decrease and in some cases may cause stains. Patent shoes, as well as glossy shoes in smooth leather should not be sprayed as this can make them shiny and dull.
Effect shoe Balm is another good shoe care product for smooth leather. It is a water-repellent grease that is used to preserve moisture and color. Liquid in consistency and easy to work with. It is glossier than leather conditioner, and can make the color of the shoe look a little darker until it dries. Made from natural products such as coconut oil and beeswax, and has a long shelf life. Neutral color.
How best to clean the leather shoes?
Suede Velours liquid is an effective cleaner for suede and nubuck, which preserves the color and the moisture It has a liquid consistency and a sponge on the tip of the bottle for easy application. Works optimally in combination with impregnation spray and combi brush/nubuck brush. Available in black and neutral colour.
Combi brush is a nubuck brush that is used to brush dust and dirt from suede shoes and nubuck, as well as to brush the hairs back up after care with suede velor liquid.
Cleaning Formula en is a cleaning foam for all materials. Particularly effective for smooth leather, but can also be used for suede and textile if required. Removes stains and dirt/dust in a gentle way and is applied with a sponge or cloth. Leather shoes from
Which products should be used on the different leather types
Smooth leather - Use impregnating spray as protection against water/mud and dirt. Also use Leather Balm or Effect shoe balm to add moisture to the leather.
Nubuck/suede - Use impregnation spray as protection against water/mud and dirt. Also use Suede Velours Liquid to clean the leather, we recommend a combi brush after the treatment to get the leather nice again after the treatment.
Varnish - We recommend wiping the shoe with a dry cloth if it gets damp or dirty, so that water or dirt does not get into the leather.
Clean/wash soles - Use impregnation spray without silicone to clean white soles that have become soiled or stained. Spray on the bottom and side of the shoe and wipe off with a cloth. An old toothbrush or q-tip can be useful tools for properly getting into grooves and grooves. Hard spots can be removed with an eraser!