True to tradition, Posten and Bring vote Norway's best online stores.
The online stores in Norway are getting better and better with each passing year. From last summer, customers could nominate their favorite online stores, and over 1,000 online stores were nominated. After a review, these were filtered down to 135 candidates and the professional jury went to work thoroughly to see how well they solve their tasks for the customers, says jury leader Kjersti Pedersen in Posten Bring.
The last six months have been carefully assessed by the professional jury according to the criteria of purchase experience, business model, innovation and marketing. During Black Week and the run-up to Christmas, the jury shopped in the various online stores - to see who excelled.
- We carry out a anonymous "stress test" during the most hectic period of the year for the online stores, precisely to see how good they actually are. Now we are left with the very best, continues Pedersen.
1 comment
Jeg har kjøpt flere par støvletter og sko, kjøpt to ulike par av wonderjeans og er alltid like forbløffet over hvor god service jeg får av jentene på Sapatos! Det jeg spør om, får jeg svar på, uansett hvor «dumme» spørsmåla er🙄 Jeg kommer til å fortsette å kjøpe varer hos dem! Det er slett ikke overraskende at de har fått nominasjon🙏🥰